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Revision as of 15:54, 7 April 2022 by Bilka (talk | contribs) (updated line_length description)
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Specifies series of sprites used to visualise different rotations of the object.

Mandatory properties


Type: Types/uint16

Count of direction (frames) specified.

Optional properties


Type: Types/FileName

Default: ""

Either this or "filenames" has to be non-empty.


Type: types/table of Types/FileName

Default: ""

Array of filenames. Either this or "filename" has to be non-empty.


Type: Types/table of Types/RotatedSprite

If this property is present, all RotatedSprite definitions have to be placed as entries in the array, and they will all be loaded from there. Each item (RotatedSprite definition) in the array may also have the layers property.

If this property is present, all other properties are ignored and the mandatory properties do not have to be defined.

Layers may not be an empty table.


Type: Types/RotatedSprite

If this property exists and high resolution sprites are turned on, its contents are used to load the RotatedSprite.

slice or dice

Type: Types/SpriteSizeType

Number of slices this is sliced into when using the "optimized atlas packing" option. If you are a modder, you can just ignore this property.

Example: If this is 4, the sprite will be sliced into a 4×4 grid.

slice_x or dice_x

Type: Types/SpriteSizeType

Same as slice or dice above, but this specifies only how many slices there are on the x axis.

slice_y or dice_y

Type: Types/SpriteSizeType

Same as slice or dice above, but this specifies only how many slices there are on the y axis.


Type: Types/SpritePriority

Default: "medium"


Type: Types/SpriteFlags


Type: Types/SpriteSizeType or Types/table of Types/SpriteSizeType

The width and height of the sprite. If this is an array, the first member of the array is the width and the second is the height. Otherwise the size is both width and height.

Width and height may only be in the range of 0-8192.


Type: Types/SpriteSizeType

Mandatory if size is not given. Width of the picture in pixels, from 0-8192.


Type: Types/SpriteSizeType

Mandatory if size is not given. Height of the picture in pixels, from 0-8192.


Type: Types/SpriteSizeType

Default: 0

Horizontal position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.


Type: Types/SpriteSizeType

Default: 0

Vertical position of the sprite in the source file in pixels.


Type: Types/table of Types/SpriteSizeType

Loaded only when x and y are both 0. The first member of the array is x and the second is y.


Type: Types/vector

Default: {0, 0}

In tiles. util.by_pixel() can be used to divide the shift by 32 which is the usual pixel height/width of 1 tile in normal resolution. Note that 32 pixel tile height/width is not enforced anywhere - any other tile height or width is also possible.


Type: Types/double

Default: 1

Values different than 1 specify the scale of the sprite on default zoom. Scale 2 means that the picture will be 2 times bigger on screen (and more pixelated).


Type: Types/bool

Default: false

Only one of draw_as_shadow, draw_as_glow and draw_as_light can be true. draw_as_shadow takes precedence over draw_as_glow and draw_as_light.


Type: Types/bool

Default: false

Only one of draw_as_shadow, draw_as_glow and draw_as_light can be true. draw_as_glow takes precedence over draw_as_light.

Draws first as a normal sprite, and again as a light layer.[1]


Type: Types/bool

Default: false

Only one of draw_as_shadow, draw_as_glow and draw_as_light can be true.


Type: Types/uint8

Default: 0

Only loaded if this is an icon (has flag "group=icon" or "group=gui").


Type: Types/bool

Default: false


Type: Types/Color

Default: {r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1} (white)


Type: Types/BlendMode

Default: "normal"


Type: Types/bool

Default: false

Minimal mode is entered when mod loading fails. You are in it when you see the gray box after (part of) the loading screen that tells you a mod error (Example). If you are a modder, you can just ignore this property.


Type: Types/bool

Default: true

Whether alpha should be premultiplied.


Type: Types/bool

Default: false



Type: Types/bool

Default: false

When set to true, left the same picture is used for left/right direction, just flipped, this can save half of the space required, but is not usable once the picture contains shadows etc.


Type: Types/bool

Default: false


Type: Types/bool

Default: true

Used to fix the inconsistency of direction of the entity in 3d when rendered and direction on the screen (where the 45 degree angle for projection is used).


Type: Types/bool

Default: false

Set to true to indicate sprites in the spritesheet are in counterclockwise order.


Type: Types/uint32

Defult: 0

Once the specified number of pictures is loaded, other pictures are loaded on other line. This is to allow having more sprites in matrix, to input files with too high width. The game engine limits the width of any input files to 8192px, so it is compatible with most graphics cards. 0 means that all the pictures are in one horizontal line.


Type: Types/bool

Default: false


Type: Types/uint64

Mandatory if "filenames" exists.


pictures =
      layers =
          filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/radar.png",
          priority = "low",
          width = 98,
          height = 128,
          apply_projection = false,
          direction_count = 64,
          line_length = 8,
          shift = util.by_pixel(1, -16),
          hr_version =
            filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/hr-radar.png",
            priority = "low",
            width = 196,
            height = 254,
            apply_projection = false,
            direction_count = 64,
            line_length = 8,
            shift = util.by_pixel(1, -16),
            scale = 0.5
          filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/radar-shadow.png",
          priority = "low",
          width = 172,
          height = 94,
          apply_projection = false,
          direction_count = 64,
          line_length = 8,
          shift = util.by_pixel(39,3),
          draw_as_shadow = true,
          hr_version =
            filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/hr-radar-shadow.png",
            priority = "low",
            width = 343,
            height = 186,
            apply_projection = false,
            direction_count = 64,
            line_length = 8,
            shift = util.by_pixel(39.25,3),
            draw_as_shadow = true,
            scale = 0.5

Prototype properties that use this type