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Iron plate

From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 23:58, 21 October 2016 by TheWombatGuru (talk | contribs)
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Iron plate/infobox

Iron plate is a game material that can be made by smelting Iron ore in a furnace. It is a component or subcomponent of almost every item in Factorio, and it is recommended to create a large stockpile when possible. When starting a new freeplay game, the player starts out with 8 iron plate, along with 1 burner mining drill and 1 stone furnace. These iron plates are generally used to create an iron axe right away to not have to slowly mine your first resources by hand.

In achievements

Main article: Achievements

Iron plates are directly connected to the following achievements:

Iron throne 1
Produce 20k iron plates per hour.
Iron throne 2
Produce 200k iron plates per hour.
Iron throne 3
Produce 400k iron plates per hour.
