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Revision as of 20:29, 29 March 2016 by Forwald (talk | contribs)
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Общее описание

враги это существа стремящиеся нанести урон игроку. They normally come from spawners and begin on the enemy force. There are three types of enemies: Biters, Spitters and Worms. Each of these types comes in three stages of growth and thus strength.


Общее описание

враги это существа стремящиеся нанести урон игроку. They normally come from spawners and begin on the enemy force. There are three types of enemies: Biters, Spitters and Worms. Each of these types comes in three stages of growth and thus strength.


Template loop detected: Biters/ru

Template loop detected: Spitters/ru

Template loop detected: Worms/ru


Template loop detected: Evolution/ru


Общее описание

враги это существа стремящиеся нанести урон игроку. They normally come from spawners and begin on the enemy force. There are three types of enemies: Biters, Spitters and Worms. Each of these types comes in three stages of growth and thus strength.


Template loop detected: Biters/ru

Template loop detected: Spitters/ru

Template loop detected: Worms/ru


Template loop detected: Evolution/ru


Общее описание

враги это существа стремящиеся нанести урон игроку. They normally come from spawners and begin on the enemy force. There are three types of enemies: Biters, Spitters and Worms. Each of these types comes in three stages of growth and thus strength.


Template loop detected: Biters/ru

Template loop detected: Spitters/ru

Template loop detected: Worms/ru


Template loop detected: Evolution/ru



Общее описание

враги это существа стремящиеся нанести урон игроку. They normally come from spawners and begin on the enemy force. There are three types of enemies: Biters, Spitters and Worms. Each of these types comes in three stages of growth and thus strength.


Template loop detected: Biters/ru

Template loop detected: Spitters/ru

Template loop detected: Worms/ru


Template loop detected: Evolution/ru

