Extends Types/BaseAttackParameters.
Optional properties
Inherits all properties from Types/BaseAttackParameters.
Type: Types/vector
Default: {0, 0}
When used with projectile_creation_parameters, this offsets what the turret's sprite looks at. Setting to {0,1} will cause the turret to aim one tile up from the target but the projectile will still aim for the entity. Can be used to give the illusion of height but can also confuse aim logic when set too high.
When used without projectile_creation_parameters, this sets the turret's rotation axis.
Type: Types/float
Default: 0
Type: Types/CircularParticleCreationSpecification
Used to show bullet shells/casings being ejected from the gun, e.g. artillery shell casings.
Type: Types/CircularProjectileCreationSpecification
Used to shoot projectiles from arbitrary points. Used by worms and multi-barreled weapons. Use multiple points with the same angle to cause the turret to shoot from multiple barrels. If not set then the launch positions are calculated using projectile_center and projectile_creation_distance.
Type: Types/float
Default: 0
Used to shoot from different sides of the turret. Setting to 0.25 shoots from the right side, 0.5 shoots from the back, and 0.75 shoots from the left. The turret will look at the enemy as normal but the bullet will spawn from the offset position. Can be used to create right-handed weapons.