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Property tree

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A PropertyTree (the Factorio class name) is a recursive variant format that holds a key <> value pair where the key may be empty and the value may be only one of the following types:

PropertyTreeType (unsigned byte)
Value Name
0 none
1 bool
2 number
3 string
4 list
5 dictionary

The file format

1 unsigned byte representing the PropertyTreeType.

1 bool the any-type flag (currently not important outside of Factorio internals; default value is false)

Property Tree Type




1 bool


1 double


1 bool if there is no string - otherwise, if there is a string:

1 Space optimized unsigned int the size of the string

N byte the string contents


Identical to Dictionary


1 unsigned int the number of PropertyTree elements

For each element:

1 string the dictionary element name or it can be empty if loading a list

1 Property_tree