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Revision as of 19:22, 1 April 2020 by Bilka (talk | contribs) (0.18.17 flipped_shadow_running_with_gun)
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The data for one variation of character animations. See Prototype/Character#animations.

Mandatory properties


Type: Types/RotatedAnimation


Type: Types/RotatedAnimation


Type: Types/RotatedAnimation


Type: Types/RotatedAnimation

Must contain exactly 18 directions, so all of the combination of gun direction and moving direction can be covered. Some of these variations are used in reverse to save space. You can use the character animation in the base game for reference.


Type: Types/RotatedAnimation

Optional properties


Type: Types/RotatedAnimation

flipped_shadow_running_with_gun must be nil or contain exactly 18 directions, so all of the combination of gun direction and moving direction can be covered. Some of these variations are used in reverse to save space. You can use the character animation in the base game for reference. flipped_shadow_running_with_gun has to have same frame count as running_with_gun.


Type: Types/table of Types/string

The names of the armors this animation data is used for. Don't define this if you want the animations to be used for the player without armor.