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Debug mode

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Revision as of 09:59, 17 September 2017 by Bilka (talk | contribs) (formatting)
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Debug mode is used mainly by developers and modders to analyze the running state of the game. It can be enabled to show detailed information about the game world, and its information varies based on which level is active. The default keys to enable debug mode are f5 through f7.

For example, one can:

  • See the path the Biters are coming from and where they plan to target,
  • See the position / coordinates of the cursor,
  • See a grid-overlay for the Tiles and Chunks,
  • See the blocks in a railway network,
  • See additional non-game related information, such as Updates Per Second and FPS.

Activate the debug mode

You have 4 debug-levels:

  • Always - This is the default mode, if no mode is active. Keep very few things active here.
  • Basic - The first mode, accessed by pressing F5. What power users often use.
  • Detailed - The second mode, accessed by pressing F6. The most commonly used for modders and developers.
  • Full - The third mode, accessed by pressing F7. Shows literally everything, tends to be unreadable.

To switch back to "always" you need to press the previous key again. Example: Press F5 to go to "basic", then press F6 to watch "detailed" and then press F6 again to switch back to "always".

Configuring the debug mode

To configure the 4 modes, press F4. This opens up a menu with many options. You can move this menu with the mouse, if it hides some interesting underlying thing. You can switch between 4 folders, which reflects the option for that debug-mode ("always", "basic", "detailed", "full"). The options are the same for each mode. Each mode can be configured to the user's liking, the different modes are only for convenience. A search function (CTRL + F) is available.

List of debug-options and their function

Option Description
show-fps Will show the current frames-per-second, or FPS. Should be normally about 60.
  • Shows the cursor position in Tiles (and subdivisions of that), Chunks and Region
  • Current resolution and zoom
  • How many objects are on the screen (painted by the graphic card)
  • How many entities, chunks and paths are in the game and used.
show-time-usage Many important internal statistics about how much time each calculation takes.
show-sprite-counts The counts of each sprite rendered on screen.
show-multiplayer-waiting-icon When in a multiplayer game: if the game is currently waiting for the server to process.
show-multiplayer-statistics The latency information when in multiplayer.
show-tile-grid Shows the borders of the Tiles and Chunks.
show-collision-rectangles Shows the collision boxes of each entity (red).
show-selection-rectangles Shows the a blue box over each entity, if you hover over it, it will be selected.
show-paths The calculated paths for the biters in different colors.
show-next-waypoint-bb Shows waypoints for biters (in green), nearly the same info as the next.
show-target Shows the current target of the biters (red).
show-unit-group-info Biter groups, which belong together (circles and lines belonging together)
show-last-path-detail The A*-algorithm at work, calculating new paths.
show-path-cache The source-positions of a path and about the length (?)
show-rail-paths Which path a train will follow.
show-rolling-stock-count Shows inserter positions
show-rail-connections Shows rail connections.
show-rail-segments Shows the segment borders and enables you to see the borders of the block.
show-train-stop-point When a train slows down it shows the calculated point where it should halt
show-train-braking-distance The distance a train will take to stop at its current speed
show-network-connected-entities Displays the network-id of the electric network that a pole is connected to
show-circuit-network-numbers Shows the number (and color) of circuit networks
show-energy-sources-networks Which network-id an entity is connected to.
show-active-state Inserters, fish, turrets are turned to passive, if not used; Red = inactive, Purple = inactive until enemies aren't around (turrets etc), Green = inactive until player isn't around (fish). Passive entities consume less CPU power.
show-wakeup-lists When an entity is sleeping in another entity it shows which entities it's sleeping in.
show-pollution-values Shows the numeric pollution amount on each chunk.
show-active-enemies-on-chunk-counts Not 100% clear: displays in the map view, how much biter nests (blue) are targeting to which are (red for the number of biters?), green: unknown?
show-active-chunks Shows in the map view, which chunks are "on", unmarked chunks are not calculated.
show-polluted-chunks Shows which chunks have pollution.
show-enemy-expansion-candidate-chunks Where is space left to spread the brood?. Goes from red (nearly no space) to green (space to expand).
show-enemy-expansion-candidate-chunk-values Which chunks the enemies will try to expand into.
show-tile-variations Shows, which tile-variation (1, 2 or 4 tile sized) is painted for which area of the map. Quite confusing, zoom in to see the meaning.
show-raw-tile-transitions Turns connected textures for land and water off, so the distinction can easily be made.
show-tile-correction-previews When in the map editor it shows what tiles will be corrected to what variations when painting tiles.
show-fluid-box-fluid-info How much fluid is in a pipe/storage tank, shows flow of liquid in pipes.
show-environment-sound-info Displays which sound of which entity is played and how loud.