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'Erdölpumpe' gewinnen Rohöl aus Ölfelder. Jedes Ölfeld kann von nur einer Erdölpumpe an einem festen Punkt aufgestellt werden. Die Erdölpumpe gibt dann eine Menge an Rohöl pro Zyklus gleich 10 multipliziert mit der Ausbeute des Feldes (z. B. 54 Rohöl für 538% Ausbeute) pro Sekunde aus. Ohne Geschwindigkeitsmodule dauert ein Erdölpumpen-Zyklus eine Sekunde.

Extracting oil lowers the field's yield by 1% per 75 pumpjack cycles to a minimum of 10%, or 1 oil unit per sec.

Pumpjacks are limited to a maximum output of 100 crude oil per cycle, achieved by an oil field with more than 999% yield. However, such a high yield is fairly rare.

Pumpjacks output tile location is fixed relative to its orientation.

Pumpjacks cannot be placed on a non-oilfield tile.


If oil fields are depleted ( to the minimum of 10% ) speed Modules are a good option to raise the pumpjacks output. With two Speed module 3's the output doubles from 1 to 2 crude oil per second and even more when using additional Basic beacons ( + another 0.5 oil per beacon per second ).

The formula to determine the modified output is:

Output of unmodified oil field * ( Number of modules in pumpjack * bonus from module ) + output of unmodified oil field * ( number of Beacons * ( number of modules * distribution efficiency ) * bonus from module + 1 )

For 1 pumpjack on a depleted oil field with two lvl 3 speed modules and 6 beacons with each two lvl 3 speed modules: 0,1 * ( 2 * 0,5 ) + 0,1 * ( 6 * ( 2 * 0,5 ) 0,5 + 1 ) = 0,5 Crude oil per 1 second.
Assuming that there will be always 2 modules equipped in pumpjack and beacons, formula can be shortened : 0,1 + 0,1 * ( 6 * 0,5 + 1 ) = 0,5 Crude oil per 1 second.


  • 0.15.0: Pumpjacks can be turned on and off using the circuit network. They can also output the current oil mining rate.

See also