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From Official Factorio Wiki
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MODの追加でさらに楽しく - 小さなtweak、helper MODでゲームを補完することから、FactorioおけるゼロからのMODサポートが世界中のクリエイタへ開かれた興味深く革新的なフューチャーまでも追加できます。中心となるプレイはフリープレイシナリオで、無料DLCのシナリオパックでさらに面白さを広げるチャレンジも。もし気に入るマップやシナリオがなくても、ゲーム内マップエディタでアイテム、敵、地形を好きなようにおいて、カスタムスクリプトで独自の面白いゲームを作りましょう!


The Roadmap is a description of the future goals for Factorio's development. One may consult it to discover what the developers of Factorio have in store for the game.

Look at The official blog; Factorio Friday Facts (FFFs) have become a weekly feature and provide good information about the near future of the game.


  • Definition: Factorio is a sci-fi sandbox game.
  • First public release date: Mid 2012


  • February 5, 2013: Steam greenlight campaign
    • Released on steam Early access on 25 Febuary 2016. Developers aim for a full release (ie. 1.0) in late 2016.

What is the game inspired by?

  • Dwarf Fortress,
  • Transport Tycoon-like games, especially OpenTTD,
  • Minecraft (especially the BuildCraft mod)
  • Civilization series
  • SpaceChem
  • Creeper World 3
  • Terraria
  • Starbound
  • Grobots
  • Rimworld
  • DayZ
  • FTL
  • Unclaimed World
  • Into Space (shortly mentioned that the game will include elements from there)
  • Dig-N-Rig

See also

Raised €21,626, started 31 January 2013, finished on 3 March 2013.