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From Official Factorio Wiki
Revision as of 13:22, 8 July 2015 by H3half (talk | contribs) (Removed redundant statement about the forum roadmap thread, removed sentence explaining how this page exists to hopefully change their habits; I feel that it was confusing and isn't especially helpful to people who come here looking for Factorio info)
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Official Roadmap (copy)

The official roadmap is the roadmap thread in the forum, which is normally updated after each major release.

Development methods

Factorio is a continuous jam session.

Factorio is developed in a continuous development process. This means, that the targets change with the ongoing development.

From that article:

Any manager would probably say this is a bad thing, that we need a roadmap for the whole process from the start to the final release with all the contents, features and graphics planned ahead including cost estimates. I personally think, that the freedom of the jam (agile) way of development that allows us to react is the best for Factorio. We are inventing and extending the best ideas on the run, ideas that would never be visible in the start.

The forum also includes a big Ideas & Suggestions-Board which can be seen as the backlog for the development team.