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Revision as of 20:34, 2 October 2014 by TheWombatGuru (talk | contribs)
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English{{| en }})

{{| {{{1}}} }})

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{{Flag|Language code|link=Page to link to|size=Size of the flag}}

This template creates a flag for a specific country.

The following flags are supported:

  • cs - {{Flag|cs}} -
    Country code cs is not supported by the "Flag" template. Please consider adding it here.
    {{| cs }})
  • da - {{Flag|da}} - da{{| da }})
  • de - {{Flag|de}} - Deutsch{{| de }})
  • en - {{Flag|en}} - English{{| en }})
  • es - {{Flag|es}} - Español{{| es }})
  • fr - {{Flag|fr}} - Français{{| fr }})
  • hu - {{Flag|hu}} - hu{{| hu }})
  • it - {{Flag|it}} - Italiano{{| it }})
  • ja - {{Flag|ja}} - ja{{| ja }})
  • ko - {{Flag|ko}} - ko{{| ko }})
  • ms - {{Flag|ms}} - ms{{| ms }})
  • nl - {{Flag|nl}} - Nederlands{{| nl }})
  • pt-br - {{Flag|pt-br}} - Português do Brasil{{| pt-br }})
  • pt-pt - {{Flag|pt-pt}} - pt-pt{{| pt-pt }})
  • ru - {{Flag|ru}} - Русский{{| ru }})
  • sv - {{Flag|sv}} - sv{{| sv }})
  • tr - {{Flag|tr}} - tr{{| tr }})
  • uk - {{Flag|uk}} -
    Country code uk is not supported by the "Flag" template. Please consider adding it here.
    {{| uk }})
  • vi - {{Flag|vi}} - vi{{| vi }})
  • zh - {{Flag|zh}} - zh{{| zh }})
List of all templates