- Research is performed in Laboratories.
- Every technology has certain amount of units that are needed to be researched, the logistics 1 technology in the example requires 20 units.
- Every unit requires certain combination of science packs, these has to be created and transported into the lab before it can start with the research.
- When the laboratory has all the needed ingredients, it starts researching one unit, the time to research the unit varies from technology to technology.
- The more laboratories are researching at the same time, the shorter time it takes to get all the units required.
Research Technologies
Advanced Chemistry Advanced Chemistry
Advanced Electronics 1 Advanced Electronics 1
Advanced Electronics 2 Advanced Electronics 2
Logistic Robots Speed Logistic Robots Speed
Logistic Robots Storage Logistic Robots Storage
Logistic Robotics Logistic Robotics
Rocket Shooting Speed Rocket Shooting Speed
Steel Processing Steel Processing
Technology tree
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