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Revision as of 02:20, 17 December 2018 by Zippy (talk | contribs)
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A Chunk is a unit defined as either an area of the map 32×32 tiles in size (containing 1024 tiles in total) or a distance of 32 tiles.

Chunks are used for:

  • Map generation. When the player runs around, has a radar explore the map via sectors or has artillery shells fired across long distances, the map is revealed in chunks.
  • Chunks are "switched off" to save CPU cycles. If nothing important happens in a chunk (e.g. there are only fishes swimming around in the chunk) the chunk is not computed in the next Tick.
  • The pollution model is based on chunks, and pollution spreads to neighboring chunks.

See also

  • Tile, the next smaller unit.
  • Region, the next larger unit.