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Laser turret

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Laser turret/infobox

Laser turrets are an advanced defense building with a longer range, infinite ammo, good damage and use electricity to operate (and a smaller amount of energy when idle). By dealing laser damage they don't face any resistances (enemies receive full damage) but have a lower rate of fire than gun turrets. Each shot costs a constant 800kJ of energy; as the shooting speed increases through upgrades, so too does the power required to keep firing.

Since using laser turrets to ward off attacks can cause electricity usage spikes, using accumulators to offset the cost is recommended to keep the rest of the network fully functional.


  • 0.15.0:
    • Laser turret projectiles move much faster
  • 0.12.0:
    • All turrets now have a 2x2 footprint
    • Made 4x as powerful and expensive.
  • 0.7.1:
    • Decreased resting energy consumption of laser turret to 1/3 of original value.
  • 0.7.0:
    • Added upgrade technologies.

See also