Energy and work

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Factorio simulates many aspects of real physics and the quite correct use of energy is one important aspect.

Energy and work are directly dependent.


Work is "stored energy".

Work is measured in Joules, which is one Watt over the time of one second. Work is stored as

See Units#Work.

Energy / Power

Energy is the "flow of work". The amount of flow is power.

Energy is measured in Watts, nearly every device in Factorio needs energy to work. Energy is produced by Electricity/Generators, Boiler- or other burner- (or motor-driven) devices (like the car or train).

Types of energy

Fuel-based (Boiler)

Fuel contains a certain amount of energy. The fuel is burned and produces energy (which is converted into movement or heat) and Pollution is emitted.


Electricity is produced by Electricity/Generators, distributed over an Electric network, and used by Electricity/Consumers.