Transport belts

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[entity-name] replicator-1 = Electric Replicator replicator-2 = Photonic Replicator replicator-3 = Quantum Replicator ion-grenade = Ion Grenade small-electric-furnace = Small Electric Furnace replicator-4 = Quantum Replicator MK2 replicator-5 = Tachyon Replicator rare-earth = Rare Earth Deposit creatine = Creatine solar-panel-MK1 = Solar Panel I solar-panel-MK2 = Solar Panel II solar-panel-MK3 = Solar Panel III solar-panel-MK4 = Solar Panel IV solar-panel-MK5 = Solar Panel V accumulator-MK1 = Capacitor I accumulator-MK2 = Capacitor II accumulator-MK3 = Capacitor III accumulator-MK4 = Capacitor IV accumulator-MK5 = Capacitor V green-beacon = Green Beacon expansion-bay = Expansion Bay creatine-pump = Creatine pump replication-lab = Replication Lab

Mass-E-Furnace = Massive electric furnace AUX-field = AUX-Field power station

[item-name] replicator-1 = Electric Replicator replicator-2 = Photonic Replicator replicator-3 = Quantum Replicator replicator-4 = Quantum Replicator MK2 replicator-5 = Tachyon Replicator ion-grenade = Ion Grenade ion-turret = Ion Turret small-electric-furnace = Small Electric Furnace rare-earth = Rare Earth rare-earth-magnet = Rare Earth Magnet superconductor = Superconductor ion-conduit = Ion Conduit carbon-entangler = Carbon Entangler green-beacon = Green Beacon expansion-bay = Expansion Bay solar-panel-MK1 = Solar Panel I solar-panel-MK2 = Solar Panel II solar-panel-MK3 = Solar Panel III solar-panel-MK4 = Solar Panel IV solar-panel-MK5 = Solar Panel V accumulator-MK1 = Capacitor I accumulator-MK2 = Capacitor II accumulator-MK3 = Capacitor III accumulator-MK4 = Capacitor IV accumulator-MK5 = Capacitor V creatine-pump = Creatine pump replication-lab = Replication Lab

neodymium-plate = Neodymium Plate Mass-E-Furnace = Massive electric furnace AUX-field = AUX-Field power station

[fluid-name] creatine = Creatine

[recipe-name] repl-gems = Replication: Dytech gems repl-iron-ore = Replication: Iron ore repl-copper-ore = Replication: Copper ore repl-iron-plate = Replication: Iron plates repl-copper-plate = Replication: Copper plates repl-steel-plate = Replication: Steel plates repl-stone-brick = Replication: Stone bricks repl-plastic-bar = Replication: Plastic repl-iron-gear-wheel = Replication: Gears repl-basic-transport-belt = Replication: Conveyor belts repl-electronic-circuit = Replication: Electronic circuits repl-basic-inserter = Replication: Basic inserters repl-sulfur = Replication: Sulfur repl-advanced-circuit = Replication: Advanced circuits repl-solar-panel-MK1 = Replication: Solar Panel I repl-accumulator-MK1 = Replication: Capacitor I repl-battery = Replication: Batteries repl-processing-unit = Replication: Processing units repl-pipe = Replication: Pipes repl-stone-wall = Replication: Stone walls repl-copper-wire = Replication: Copper wires repl-stone = Replication: Stone repl-wood = Replication: Wood repl-lubricant = Replication: Lubricant repl-alien-artifact = Replication: Alien artifact repl-coal = Replication: Coal repl-copper-cable = Replication: Copper wires repl-crude-oil = Replication: Crude oil repl-solar-panel = Replication: Solar Panel repl-basic-accumulator = Replication: Accumulator repl-water = Replication: Water repl-creatine = Replication: Creatine creatine-pump = Creatine pump

repl-basic-bullet-magazine = Replication: Regular Magazine repl-piercing-bullet-magazine = Replication: Piercing Rounds Magazine repl-engine-unit = Replication: Engine Unit repl-electric-engine-unit = Replication: Electric Engine Unit repl-flying-robot-frame = Replication: Flying robot frame Mass-E-Furnace = Massive electric furnace AUX-field = AUX-Field power station

[item-description] ion-conduit = A hypermagnetic solid-state electron cluster. Used for high-energy electronics. solar-panel-MK2 = Generates more electricity than a standard solar panel. solar-panel-MK3 = Generates more electricity than a mark 2 solar panel. solar-panel-MK4 = Generates more electricity than a mark 3 solar panel. solar-panel-MK5 = Generates the most electricity for a solar panel. accumulator-MK2 = Stores more electricity than a standard accumulator. accumulator-MK3 = Stores more electricity than a mark 2 accumulator. accumulator-MK4 = Stores more electricity than a mark 3 accumulator. accumulator-MK5 = Stores the most electriticy among accumulators. replicator-1 = Converts raw electricity to matter. Simple materials only. replicator-2 = Converts raw electricity to matter, twice as fast, but much less efficient. Can replicate secondary materials. replicator-3 = Converts raw electricity to matter, twice again as fast, even less efficient. Can replicated advanced materials. replicator-4 = Converts raw electricity to matter, twice again as fast, very inefficient. Can replicate simple components. replicator-5 = Converts raw electricity to matter, twice again as fast, extremely inefficient. Can replicate advanced components. expansion-bay = A tiny module beacon with very small range but very high effectiveness. green-beacon = A very long range beacon that can only reduce pollution using Ion Conduits. Mass-E-Furnace = Smelts 3 items at once AUX-field = Powers a huge area and consumes electricity in exchange

[technology-name] clean-power-MK1 = Clean Power Infrastructure clean-power-MK2 = Clean Power Infrastructure 2 clean-power-MK3 = Clean Power Infrastructure 3 clean-power-MK4 = Clean Power Infrastructure 4 clean-power-MK5 = Clean Power Infrastructure 5 repltech-replication-1 = Replication 1 repltech-replication-2 = Replication 2 repltech-replication-3 = Replication 3 repltech-replication-4 = Replication 4 repltech-replication-5 = Replication 5 ion-armaments = Ion Armaments ion-conduit = Ion Conduit expansion-bay = Expansion Bay green-beacon = Green Beacon repltech-gems = Replication: Dytech gems repltech-gold-ore = Replication: Gold ore repltech-cobalt-ore = Replication: Cobalt ore repltech-ardite-ore = Replication: Ardite ore repltech-lead-ore = Replication: Lead ore repltech-silver-ore = Replication: Silver ore repltech-tin-ore = Replication: Tin ore repltech-tungsten-ore = Replication: Tungsten ore repltech-zinc-ore = Replication: Zinc ore repltech-iron-ore = Replication: Iron ore repltech-copper-ore = Replication: Copper ore repltech-iron-plate = Replication: Iron plates repltech-copper-plate = Replication: Copper plates repltech-steel-plate = Replication: Steel plates repltech-stone-brick = Replication: Stone bricks repltech-plastic-bar = Replication: Plastic repltech-iron-gear-wheel = Replication: Gears repltech-basic-transport-belt = Replication: Conveyor belts repltech-electronic-circuit = Replication: Electronic circuits repltech-basic-inserter = Replication: Basic inserters repltech-sulfur = Replication: Sulfur repltech-advanced-circuit = Replication: Advanced circuits repltech-solar-panel-MK1 = Replication: Solar panels repltech-accumulator-MK1 = Replication: Accumulator repltech-battery = Replication: Batteries repltech-processing-unit = Replication: Processing units repltech-pipe = Replication: Pipes repltech-stone-wall = Replication: Stone walls repltech-copper-cable = Replication: Copper wires superconductor = Superconductors rare-earth-magnet = Rare Earth Magnets repltech-stone = Replication: Stone repltech-wood = Replication: Wood repltech-lubricant = Replication: Lubricant repltech-alien-artifact = Replication: Alien artifact repltech-coal = Replication: Coal electric-smelting = Electric smelting repltech-crude-oil = Replication: Crude oil repltech-solar-panel = Replication: Solar Panel repltech-basic-accumulator = Replication: Accumulator repltech-water = Replication: Water repltech-creatine = Replication: Creatine

repltech-basic-bullet-magazine = Replication: Regular Magazine repltech-piercing-bullet-magazine = Replication: Piercing Rounds Magazine repltech-engine-unit = Replication: Engine Unit repltech-electric-engine-unit = Replication: Electric Engine Unit repltech-flying-robot-frame = Replication: Flying robot frame Mass-E-Furnace = Massive electric furnace AUX-Power-Station = AUX-Field power station

[technology-description] clean-power-MK2 = Allows you to build more advanced solar panels and accumulators for zero-pollution, space-efficient energy. clean-power-MK3 = Allows you to build even more advanced solar panels and accumulators. clean-power-MK4 = Allows you to build even more advanced solar panels and accumulators. clean-power-MK5 = Allows you to build the best solar panels and accumulators. repltech-replication-1 = Allows you to replicate raw materials. repltech-replication-2 = Allows you to replicate better materials, faster. repltech-replication-3 = Allows you to replicate better materials, faster. repltech-replication-4 = Allows you to replicate better materials, faster. repltech-replication-5 = Allows you to replicate better materials, faster. ion-armaments = Allows you to construct Ion Conduit-based weapons.

[autoplace-control-names] rare-earth = Rare Earth creatine = Creatine

[item-group-name] replication = Replication