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这里有很多快捷键, 这里只列出最重要的!

All the keys and key combinations can be found in the controls of the game option! Please look into that for further commands!

快捷键 效果
ALT 显示扩展信息
T 打开科研界面
Q 下一个武器和清除光标
R 旋转实体
Z 丢在地面上
F 捡起附近地上的物品
SPACE 射击目标
C 射击towards cursor
ENTER[回车] 进入/退出 vehicle
X 更改工具栏
P Production statistics (exit via esc or P)
M 世界地图 (exit via esc or M)
G 连接火车 (with wagon)
V Disconnect last train wagon
Tilde[~] 打开控制台
SHIFT+LMB Transfer a stack between inventories
CTRL+LMB Transfer all of an item to inventory
MiddleMouse set filter on toolbelt
SHIFT+RMB split stack of item in half
CTRL+LMB Fetch all items into inventory without opening device

注:这里是讲解合成的 There are some extra things you can do that are hard to explain in that table. Things like placing items in an inventory without opening it is a CTRL+LMB with the item in hand and clicking on the inventory. You can do the same thing with splitting a stack from an item in hand straight into an inventory. Experiment with it!

Crafting is another thing. LMB crafts 1, RMB crafts 5 and SHIFT+LMB crafts that maximum you are able to built.