Prototype/EntityGhost: Difference between revisions

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(Set prototype parent)
(Added info that ghosts are rendered with the ghost tint, updated example)
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{Prototype parent|Prototype/Entity}}
{{Prototype parent|Prototype/Entity}}
The entity used for ghosts of entities. In-game, the inner entity (the entity this is a ghost of) is rendered with a [[Prototype/UtilityConstants#ghost_tint|ghost_tint]].

== Basics ==
{{Prototype TOC|entity-ghost}}
Prototype type: '''entity-ghost'''

The entity used for ghosts of entities. Extends [[Prototype/Entity]].
== Optional properties ==
Inherits all properties from [[Prototype/Entity]].

== Properties ==
{{Prototype property|medium_build_sound|[[Types/Sound|Sound]]|optional=true}}
This prototype inherits all the properties from [[Prototype/Entity]].
{{Prototype property|large_build_sound|[[Types/Sound|Sound]]|optional=true}}

== Example ==
== Example ==
Line 13: Line 15:
   type = "entity-ghost",
   type = "entity-ghost",
   name = "entity-ghost",
   name = "entity-ghost",
   flags = {"not-on-map"},
   icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/ghost-entity.png",
  icon_size = 64,
  icon_mipmaps = 3,
  build_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/build-ghost-small.ogg",  volume = 0.6 }},
  medium_build_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/build-ghost-medium.ogg",  volume = 0.7 }},
  large_build_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/build-ghost-large.ogg",  volume = 0.7 }},
   minable = { mining_time = 0, results={}},
   minable = { mining_time = 0, results={}},
  mined_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-ghost.ogg",  volume = 0.4 }}

Latest revision as of 17:33, 1 October 2021

Prototype definitions » PrototypeBase » Prototype/Entity » Prototype/EntityGhost

The entity used for ghosts of entities. In-game, the inner entity (the entity this is a ghost of) is rendered with a ghost_tint.

Prototype/EntityGhost — entity-ghost
large_build_sound::Sound (optional)
medium_build_sound::Sound (optional)
Inherited from Prototype/Entity
icons, icon, icon_size (IconSpecification)::IconSpecification
additional_pastable_entities::table of string (optional)
alert_icon_scale::float (optional)
alert_icon_shift::vector (optional)
allow_copy_paste::bool (optional)
autoplace::AutoplaceSpecification (optional)
build_base_evolution_requirement::double (optional)
build_grid_size::uint8 (optional)
build_sound::Sound (optional)
close_sound::Sound (optional)
collision_box::BoundingBox (optional)
collision_mask::CollisionMask (optional)
created_effect::Trigger (optional)
created_smoke::CreateTrivialSmokeEffectItem (optional)
drawing_box::BoundingBox (optional)
emissions_per_second::double (optional)
enemy_map_color::Color (optional)
fast_replaceable_group::string (optional)
flags::EntityPrototypeFlags (optional)
friendly_map_color::Color (optional)
hit_visualization_box::BoundingBox (optional)
map_color::Color (optional)
map_generator_bounding_box::BoundingBox (optional)
minable::MinableProperties (optional)
mined_sound::Sound (optional)
mining_sound::Sound (optional)
next_upgrade::string (optional)
open_sound::Sound (optional)
placeable_by::ItemToPlace or table of ItemToPlace (optional)
protected_from_tile_building::bool (optional)
radius_visualisation_specification::RadiusVisualisationSpecification (optional)
remains_when_mined::string or table of string (optional)
remove_decoratives::string (optional)
rotated_sound::Sound (optional)
selectable_in_game::bool (optional)
selection_box::BoundingBox (optional)
selection_priority::uint8 (optional)
shooting_cursor_size::double (optional)
sticker_box::BoundingBox (optional)
subgroup::string (optional)
tile_height::uint32 (optional)
tile_width::uint32 (optional)
trigger_target_mask::TriggerTargetMask (optional)
vehicle_impact_sound::Sound (optional)
water_reflection::WaterReflectionDefinition (optional)
working_sound::WorkingSound (optional)
Inherited from PrototypeBase
localised_description::LocalisedString (optional)
localised_name::LocalisedString (optional)
order::Order (optional)

Optional properties

Inherits all properties from Prototype/Entity.


Type: Sound


Type: Sound


  type = "entity-ghost",
  name = "entity-ghost",
  icon =  "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/ghost-entity.png",
  icon_size = 64,
  icon_mipmaps = 3,
  build_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/build-ghost-small.ogg",  volume = 0.6 }},
  medium_build_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/build-ghost-medium.ogg",  volume = 0.7 }},
  large_build_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/build-ghost-large.ogg",  volume = 0.7 }},
  minable = { mining_time = 0, results={}},
  mined_sound = {{ filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-ghost.ogg",  volume = 0.4 }}