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'''ベルト輸送システム(Belt transport system)'''は、アイテムを異なる場所の間で輸送するために[[player/ja|プレイヤー]]が最初に触れることとなるシステム。[[Railway/ja|列車]]、[[Logistic network/ja|物流ロボット]]と並んで、Factorioにおけるアイテム輸送システムを構成している。

== 通常信号(Regular signal)とブロック ==

== 搬送ベルトの種類 ==

いつだって、線路に1編成より多くの列車が存在するなら衝突事故が発生しうる。これを防ぐため、道中と交差点に信号を設置しよう。通常の[[Rail signal/ja|列車用信号]] はその手前の線路ブロックを、次の信号か線路の終端かまで保護する。信号は、どのブロックにも1編成までしか存在できないことを保証してくれる。すでに列車が存在するブロックに2編成目の列車が侵入しようとすると、そのブロックへと続く(直前の)信号で止められて待たされる。

線路ブロックは、プレイヤーが信号を持っている間、色付きで表示される。画像はブロック可視化を示すもので、ここでは全部で11のブロックが見て取れる。列車用信号(そして連動式信号)はブロックを画すが、駅(train stops)はなにもしない。
{| class="wikitable"
! [[Transport belts/ja|搬送ベルト]] !!  [[Underground belts/ja|地下搬送ベルト]] !!  [[Splitters/ja|分配器]] !! 最大スループット(アイテム毎[[game-second/ja|秒]]) !! 必要研究 !! 原材料(ベルト1つあたり)
| {{Imagelink|Transport belt|Transport belt/ja|搬送ベルト}}
| {{Imagelink|Underground belt|Underground belt/ja|地下搬送ベルト}}
| {{Imagelink|Splitter|Splitter/ja|分配器}}
| 13.333
| [[Logistics (research)/ja|物流学1]]<sup>1</sup>
| {{Icon|Time|1}} + {{Icon|Iron plate|3}}
| {{Imagelink|Fast transport belt|Fast transport belt/ja|高速搬送ベルト}}
| {{Imagelink|Fast underground belt|Fast underground belt/ja|高速地下搬送ベルト}}
| {{Imagelink|Fast splitter|Fast splitter/ja|高速分配器}}
| 26.666
| [[Logistics 2 (research)/ja|物流学2]]
| {{Icon|Time|3.5}} + {{Icon|Iron plate|11.5}}
| {{Imagelink|Express transport belt|Express transport belt/ja|超高速搬送ベルト}}
| {{Imagelink|Express underground belt|Express underground belt/ja|超高速地下搬送ベルト}}
| {{Imagelink|Express splitter|Express splitter/ja|超高速分配器}}
| 40.0
| [[Logistics 3 (research)/ja|物流学3]]
| {{Icon|Time|9}} + {{Icon|Iron plate|31.5}} + {{Icon|Lubricant|20}}

(1) 地下搬送ベルトと分配器のみ。ノーマル搬送ベルトはゲーム開始時から利用可能。


== ベルトの階級(Tier) ==

[[File:Transport_belts_speed.gif|300px|thumb|top|3種のベルトとその速度(上から順に: 通常ベルト、高速ベルト、超高速ベルト)]]
3種類の階級のベルトが使える。[[transport belt/ja|搬送ベルト]]は黄色くて一番遅いが、同時に一番製造コストが安い。次の階級は赤い[[fast transport belt/ja|高速搬送ベルト]]で、通常の2倍速。[[express transport belt/ja|超高速搬送ベルト]]は最も階級が高く、青色で通常の3倍、もしくは赤ベルトの1.5倍。

== ベルト機構 ==
# 左から右、
# 右から左、
# 双方通行、
# 双方通行、
# 左半分は双方通行で、分岐した上の線路は右から左、下の線路は左から右。

== Chain signals ==
=== ベルトの合流・分岐 ===

Using signals prevents trains from crashing into each other but brings with itself other potential issues. Every train will wait until the block in front of it is cleared, so trains are waiting for other trains. This becomes a problem when a train starts waiting on an intersection. In that case other trains will have to wait even if they are not going in the same direction. These trains may in turn cause other trains to wait, resulting in a slowdown of the entire system. Traffic systems should avoid having trains waiting on intersections. In Factorio, [[Rail chain signal]]s are used to ensure that this cannot happen.
どの階級のベルトも、アイテムが載るレーンを2つ持つ。一種類の素材を2つ流すことも、2つの異なる素材を同じベルトに流すこともできる。混合ベルトは鉱石の精錬や、[[high tech science pack/ja|ハイテクサイエンスパック]]のように多くの異なる原料を要求するアイテムを製造するのに便利。混合ベルトは分配器フィルタで分離できる。地下ベルトは片方を通さないので、地下ベルトを用いて分離することもできる。


The most important rule is that a train cannot wait for an extended period of time in a block ''after'' a chain signal, whereas it can wait in a block after a regular signal. Since trains should not wait on crossings, this leads to the commonly stated rule: Use chain signals in and before crossings and use regular signals at the exits of crossings. In general, whenever a waiting train would block another train that is going on a different track, a chain signal should be used to prevent the train from waiting.

=== レーンバランシング ===

How do chain signals work? To determine if a train is allowed to drive past a chain signal, consider the path the train will take from that signal up to the next regular signal or until it reaches the station, whichever comes first. The train is only allowed to go through if all rail blocks on this path are free. If the train goes through, it will reserve all blocks on this path and not allow other trains to pass through a block until it leaves the block. A chain signal which leads to a block that has only one outgoing signal will always have the same color as that signal. If a rail line splits up, it can happen that one outgoing signal is red and the other is green. In that case the chain signal leading into the block will turn blue to indicate that some paths are free while others are not.
[[inserters/ja|インサータ]]のベルトへのアイテムの置き方が原因で、レーンが偏ってしまうことがある。スループットを維持するには、レーンバランシングが不可欠だ。以下のgifでは2つのやり方を示す。前者は、最初に1レーンのみが使われている場合のみ機能する。原理についての詳細は、[[Balancer mechanics/ja#レーンバランサ]]を見よ。


If the rail network contains many chain signals it is possible that a very large number of blocks is reserved when a train drives by a chain signal. This would restrict other trains, reducing throughput in general. Hence it is often suggested to use regular signals whenever possible and chain signals only where they are necessary.
=== ベルトスループット ===
[[File:Stack inserters fill express belt.gif|frame|right|[[stack inserter/ja|スタックインサータ]]4つで超高速ベルトを満載できる。左の2つはスタックサイズ12、右の2つはスタックサイズ7。]]

== Deadlocks ==
; 速度(Speed)
: ベルトがどれほど速く動くか。
; 密度(Density)
: アイテムがどれほどぎっちりベルトに載せられているか。 
; スループット(Throughput)
: 速度×密度。所与の時間において、どれほど多くのアイテムが通過するかを表す。

Using signals can lead to trains waiting for other trains. As a consequence, there might be a chain of trains, each waiting for the next, with the last waiting for the first. This situation is called a deadlock, because the trains will wait forever or until the situation is resolved manually. It should be avoided and resolved as soon as possible because every train going through the area will get stuck. The most frequent causes of deadlocks are
# trains waiting on intersections and
# a rail network that does not allow enough space for trains.

; 密度の増加
; 速度の増加
; ベルトの増加

=== ベルト便利ワザ ===

The image above shows a deadlock caused by missing chain signals since only regular rail signals were used. As a result trains can wait on a crossing which leads to a deadlock. A corrected version of this intersection can be found above. The eight signals before and on the intersection should be replaced by chain signals, the ones leading out of the intersection can stay as they are. As stated above, in general chain signals should be used before and on intersections.


The deadlock in the image happened because there is a circle in the network which was used by more trains than can fit into the circle. The signals are correct; to fix the deadlock the circle must be removed or less trains need to be routed through this area.

== 分配器(Splitter) ==

This deadlock also happened because there were too many trains in a too small circle. It shows that a deadlock can happen with as few as two trains. In this case the deadlock could also have been avoided by replacing the marked signal with a chain signal, because it would ensure that only one train can enter the offending circle. However this could lead to trains waiting on the main line, so a waiting area for trains near the station should be added.

== Signal spacing ==
=== 機構 ===


The image shows a deadlock between two T-junctions. It happened because while a train was waiting at the intersection, its tail end was still in the last intersection. The junctions when taken individually are signaled correctly, however they are too close to each other. One might argue that they form a single big intersection. There are two ways to fix this: the regular signals between the two junctions could be turned into chain signals or the junctions could be moved further away from each other.
* 分配器は入出力ベルトを2つずつ持つ。1本のベルトからアイテムを受け取った場合、2本の出力に均等に分配する。
* もし片方の出力が完全に詰まっていて、均等に分配できない場合、すべての入力を空いている方の出力ベルトに流す。
* 分配器は、2本の入力に対し1本の出力しか持たないこともできる。
* 分配器はアイテムのレーンを保存する。右レーンのアイテムを左レーンに移動することはなく、逆もまた然り。
* 分配器は片方の入出力を優先できる。分配器をクリックしてGUIを開くことで、優先度を設定できる。
* 分配器の出力ベルト1本を1種類のアイテムにフィルタリングできる。そのアイテムのみがその出力に流れ、それ以外はもう片方に流れるようになる。フィルタが設定されていると、その側の出力ベルトが優先される。

After an exit signal of a junction, the next signal must be at least far enough away to fit the ''longest'' train in the rail system between the signals. In general, after every regular signal there should be at least that much space.

== Splitting rail blocks ==  
==== 優先度 ====

The following aims to explain where signals should be placed. Long uninterrupted rail tracks should have signals at regular intervals because this allows more trains to move on the track simultaneously leading to higher throughput. Crossings should be separated from uninterrupted rails with signals. Inside crossings, signals should be used so that multiple trains can pass through the crossing without slowing down - for example trains going in opposite directions should not have to slow down for each other, so they need to pass through different blocks inside an intersection. The examples below all follow these rules.

== Examples ==

The most common way to build a rail system is using two parallel rails, one for each direction. The examples mostly follow this architecture. A single bidirectional rail line should not be used for 'main' rail lines in most situations.
==== フィルタ ====

=== T-Junction ===
=== バランシング ===

The image shows a basic three way junction. Rail signals have been placed inside the junction to ensure that more than one train can enter the junction in some cases. For example for one train going left to right and one going right to left, the trains will pass through different blocks: the first will go through the left yellow, the blue and the lower right yellow block; the second will use the upper yellow and upper red blocks. Because they use different blocks, they can use the junction simultaneously. While this is not strictly necessary for a junction to work, it will allow better throughput at a low cost.
{{Main|Balancer mechanics/ja|l1=バランシング機構}}

<gallery mode="nolines" widths=800px heights=800px>

=== ベルトレーン操作 ===
<gallery mode="slideshow">

=== Waiting area ===
== 地下搬送ベルト(Underground belt) ==

If multiple trains use the same station, the trains will wait on the main rail line which leads to a traffic jam in the network and can cause deadlocks. One way to avoid this is to add waiting areas for trains at each station.
Underground belts can be used to cross different flows of items without interfering. They move items like a [[Transport belts/ja|通常のベルト]].

* Underground belts can cross any number of entities and all types of ground, like water and grass. (as long as the input and output endpoints are on land)
* Underground belts can cross other underground entities (any number of underground belts or underground pipes). They won't be mixed.
* For the connection only the endpoints (entry-side and exit-side) are relevant.
* The maximum distance underground is 8 [[tile/ja|tile]]s with [[express underground belt/ja|超高速地下搬送ベルト]]s.
* An underground belt pair of that bridges a gap of 4 tiles stores up to 44 items. An express underground belt pair at max length stores up to 72 items.
* The half of the underground belt tile with a belt can accept input from the side. The other half (with a tunnel entrance) blocks incoming items.

The image shows a shared waiting area for two stations. The signals leading into the waiting areas are regular signals because this is where trains are expected to wait for an extended time. The signals leading out of the waiting areas are chain signals because the track from the waiting areas to the stations should not be blocked. The stations are also in different blocks to make sure that all stations can be used simultaneously.
=== ベルトレーン分岐 ===
<gallery mode="slideshow">
File:Block belt lane.png|This is built by placing one underground belt and then using R to reverse its direction. This converts the underground belt entrance to an exit (and vice versa).
File:Transport belts unmerge.gif|This can also be used to split the lanes of a belt onto seperate belts instead of using a splitter filter.

There are two ways to design waiting areas, parallel (as above) and sequential. The parallel version is easily extendable, takes less space and multiple stations can share a parallel waiting area. The sequential version as shown below is easier to set up but cannot be shared by multiple stations (and has very minor UPS benefits). Waiting areas are often referred to as stackers.

== 関連項目 ==
== 関連項目 ==
* [[Splitters/ja|分配器]]
* [[Transport belts/ja|搬送ベルト]]
* [[Underground belts/ja|地下搬送ベルト]]

* [[Tutorials/ja|チュートリアル]]
{{C|Belt transport system}}
* [[Railway/ja|鉄道]]
* [[Rail signal/ja|列車用信号]]
* [[Rail chain signal/ja|連動式信号]]

Latest revision as of 19:31, 20 December 2018

作業場/workspace 日本語話者の方、マサカリ投げてくださると助かります

ベルト輸送システム(Belt transport system)は、アイテムを異なる場所の間で輸送するためにプレイヤーが最初に触れることとなるシステム。列車物流ロボットと並んで、Factorioにおけるアイテム輸送システムを構成している。 (訳注:0.16現在、"transport"は搬送ベルトについてのみ「搬送」と訳され、それ以外に於いては「輸送」と訳されている。以下では固有名詞以外は「輸送」に統一する)




搬送ベルト 地下搬送ベルト 分配器 最大スループット(アイテム毎) 必要研究 原材料(ベルト1つあたり)
Transport belt.png
Underground belt.png
13.333 物流学11
Iron plate.png
Fast transport belt.png
Fast underground belt.png
Fast splitter.png
26.666 物流学2
Iron plate.png
Express transport belt.png
Express underground belt.png
Express splitter.png
40.0 物流学3
Iron plate.png

(1) 地下搬送ベルトと分配器のみ。ノーマル搬送ベルトはゲーム開始時から利用可能。



3種のベルトとその速度(上から順に: 通常ベルト、高速ベルト、超高速ベルト)





Transport belts 2 lanes.gif   Transport belts unmerge.gif



インサータのベルトへのアイテムの置き方が原因で、レーンが偏ってしまうことがある。スループットを維持するには、レーンバランシングが不可欠だ。以下のgifでは2つのやり方を示す。前者は、最初に1レーンのみが使われている場合のみ機能する。原理についての詳細は、Balancer mechanics/ja#レーンバランサを見よ。

Transport belts balance1.gif   Transport belts balance2.gif















  • 分配器は入出力ベルトを2つずつ持つ。1本のベルトからアイテムを受け取った場合、2本の出力に均等に分配する。
  • もし片方の出力が完全に詰まっていて、均等に分配できない場合、すべての入力を空いている方の出力ベルトに流す。
  • 分配器は、2本の入力に対し1本の出力しか持たないこともできる。
  • 分配器はアイテムのレーンを保存する。右レーンのアイテムを左レーンに移動することはなく、逆もまた然り。
  • 分配器は片方の入出力を優先できる。分配器をクリックしてGUIを開くことで、優先度を設定できる。
  • 分配器の出力ベルト1本を1種類のアイテムにフィルタリングできる。そのアイテムのみがその出力に流れ、それ以外はもう片方に流れるようになる。フィルタが設定されていると、その側の出力ベルトが優先される。









Main article: Balancer mechanics/ja



地下搬送ベルト(Underground belt)

Underground belts can be used to cross different flows of items without interfering. They move items like a 通常のベルト.

  • Underground belts can cross any number of entities and all types of ground, like water and grass. (as long as the input and output endpoints are on land)
  • Underground belts can cross other underground entities (any number of underground belts or underground pipes). They won't be mixed.
  • For the connection only the endpoints (entry-side and exit-side) are relevant.
  • The maximum distance underground is 8 tiles with 超高速地下搬送ベルトs.
  • An underground belt pair of that bridges a gap of 4 tiles stores up to 44 items. An express underground belt pair at max length stores up to 72 items.
  • The half of the underground belt tile with a belt can accept input from the side. The other half (with a tunnel entrance) blocks incoming items.

