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* [ Red circuit factory]
* [ Red circuit factory]


Revision as of 23:42, 12 November 2016

Advanced circuit/infobox

Advanced Circuits are used as components or subcomponents in most high-tech items, most notably in Science pack 3. They represent a crucial gateway about halfway into the game because of this, and require a fully functioning Oil processing system to produce good amounts of Plastic.

Advanced Circuits are much slower to build than most other components, and you will need large quantities of them (unlike items like Engines, which might be even slower to build, but are much less in demand).

Therefore it is recommended to devote large numbers of Assembling machines to their production; Assembling machine 3s are particularly useful here, as they can also be loaded with more Speed modules.

Theoretical time/item usage:


Main article: Achievements

Advanced circuits are directly connected to the following achievements:

Circuit veteran 1
Produce 1.0k advanced circuits per hour.
Circuit veteran 2
Produce 10k advanced circuits per hour.
Circuit veteran 3
Produce 25k advanced circuits per hour.

See also